Tuesday 27 March 2012

First blog: hello and welcome!

Well hello, my lovely reader. I assume if you are reading this then you've stumbled here by some sort of mistake. Please stick around! I promise that this will get better in time! Unless that is, you are here a few posts down the line and I have somehow become immensely popular, in which case, fantastic! I really hope that happens. More realistically, I believe that I have no readers and will probably always have none, or very few, and I feel rather like a person shouting down a long, dark, and empty tunnel, with only feeble echoes as responses. I refuse for this to be the situation, however, and I will endeavour to make this blog at least mildly interesting and try to attract a few lone wanderers.

I have started this blog after the advice of a friend of my dad. Apparently every graduate and their mother has one, and I don't want to scupper my chances of ever finding an interesting job just because I keep all my thoughts inside my head rather than out. So, I'm using this as an outlet to EXPRESS MYSELF (I like capital letters - this is something you are going to have to bear with if you are to be my loyal reader) and talk about things I'm interested in - namely, films, TV, books, that sort of thing. I love entertainment and to be entertained, hence why I have spent the last 3-and-a-bit years at university studying English and Film (undergrad) and Popular Culture (postgrad), have IMDb as my homepage and check slashfilm.com several times a day. So here I might post reviews of films or books, discuss issues or rant about things to do with the entertainment industry, or talk about things coming up that I'm excited about. Basically, this will be all the things I long to talk about in real life, but no one else around me cares about.

I feel like I should explain/apologise for the name of this blog briefly. If you have ever created a blog before you might know the feeling of having to think of a name for it. It is not an easy task. It needs to be something that people will want to click on, that says something about you and the blog, be original, and not sound stupid. I'm not sure if I have succeeded in all of these criteria, and as such I'm starting to wonder if the name of this blog is any good after all, but it is at least marginally better than some of the other ideas I had. I wanted to call it 'Cat thinks ...', but this was taken. As was 'Catherine thinks', 'Cat's thought cloud' and many other variations on that theme. It is probably for the best that I couldn't choose any of those. So, trying to be witty I came up with CineFeline - a riff on cinephile, a person who loves film, and including a reference to my nickname, Cat. I thought it was rather ingenious at the time, now I'm not so sure if it just sounds really cheesy. But hey, at least it's original.

I will aim to make a new pot in the next few days. Most likely it will be on the theme of children's horror films and books, as this is what my MA dissertation, which I'm working on now, is about. Until then, goodbye, and please come back!

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