Saturday 14 April 2012

Update (& apology)

I know, I know. I said that I would post a new blog just a few days after the first one. The truth is, I started it, but being easily distracted and having a lot of other work to do for university, it got left behind. I actually got offered a 2 week work experience placement in the children's department of a very well-known publishing house, which is beyond exciting, so that coupled with the university commitments has left little time to do much else, which is not helped by having to miss some uni for the placement! I'm half way through the placement now, and I'm having a really great time and it's fantastic experience to go on my CV! I really was not expecting to be offered anything at all as there is such fierce competition for placements, so I'm so pleased I'm able to do this.

The blog on children's horror films will come as promised, but I may have to wait for things to settle down a bit. Then again, I have many deadlines coming up in the next few weeks and I'm sure I will be glad to have the distraction. In the meantime, I have decided to post all of the articles I've written for my uni's student newspaper, the Hullfire, here on the blog. Some of them are available to read on, but not all of them are there and I would like to have a record online of them all. I am actually working on one now for the last issue of the year, which will also be my last ever article for the paper and I will post it here after I have sent it to the editor.

I hope you enjoy the articles, and I will try not to be away for so long again!

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